Hotel Facilities

Facilities at the Herbert Samuel Hod Dead Sea Hotel

The ultimate desert vacation at the Herbert Samuel Hod Dead Sea Hotel

Experience a world of luxury at the Herbert Samuel Hod Dead Sea Hotel. Our hotel boasts a magnificent spa complex, an excellent restaurant, an inviting lobby, a spacious conference and event hall, and a large pool with breathtaking landscape views.

Hotel Restaurant

The hotel restaurant serves delicious meals every day, including stews, fresh salads, and tempting desserts.

Hotel Lobby

In the hotel lobby, you can relax in luxurious surroundings, sink comfortably into one of the soft sofas, sip a drink, and enjoy the silence. The lobby offers a variety of dishes, including starters, salads, sandwiches, and a selection of drinks.


The Hotel’s spa is a unique, well-maintained space where you can relax and unwind. Our skilled therapists will help you forget the stresses of everyday life.


The hotel pool is the perfect place to take a dip, with views of the majestic desert mountains and the Dead Sea. Surrounded by vegetation, it has deck chairs and umbrellas to help you relax and soak up the sun.

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