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Explore the Galilee and its surroundings
The Herbert Samuel Bayit Bagalil Hotel is in the northern part of the Biriya Forest, considered one of the largest forests in the Galilee. In this beautiful nature reserve, you can enjoy captivating hiking trails and unique historical sites. Within a short drive, you can discover Rosh Pina, considered one of the most beautiful areas in Israel offering a plethora of attractions, tourist sites, and breathtaking views, and the capital of the Galilee – Safed, a city with a rich history and unique charm.

Tel Hazor National Park, which is an official UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in the Hula Valley near Kibbutz Ayelet HaShachar. History buffs will be excited to learn that the history of Hazor goes back many years and is full of intriguing facts. Hazor is the largest and most important biblical-era site in Israel, a claim that is based on excavations conducted on the site in which a palace, several buildings and an impressive water plant, dating back to the Canaanite period, was uncovered.

Biriya Fortress is one of the most important sites of the Israeli cultural heritage. Despite the land being owned by KKL- the Jewish National Fund, the British attempted to prevent Jewish settlement there at the end of the mandate. A fascinating site that serves as a museum housing intriguing exhibits is a result of a joint effort between KKL- the Jewish National Fund, the Council for Conservation of Heritage Sites in Israel, and the Association for the Reconstruction and Restoration of the Biriya Fortress.

A memorial in tribute to the late Nimrod Segev, who died during the Second Lebanon War. The lookout was established by his father in honor of his son and in effort to pass on his son’s memory and legacy to future generations.

The Agamon Hula-JNF Nature and ornithology Park is located at the heart of the Hula Valley, which constitutes one of the most important bird migration routes in the world. Every migration season (autumn and fall), over half a billion migratory birds fly over this area. Cycle Here you can also enjoy the beautiful botanical garden for marsh and water plants. We recommend you rent binoculars to observe the many variety of birds.

This Roman Catholic church located on the Mount of Beatitudes, on a small hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee, the traditional "mount" on which Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. The current church sits uphill from the ruins of a small Byzantine-era church dating to the late 4th century, which contains a rock-cut cistern beneath it and the remains of a small monastery. The modern church, designed by Italian architect Antonio Barluzzi, was built between 1936 and 1938 near the site of the fourth-century Byzantine ruins.

At the edge of the Old Jewish Quarter of Safed stands a historic three-storeyed stone house with strange mazes and passages, which hides the life story of the Jews of Safed in the past two centuries. The world of the Jewish community with all its groups and factions is conveyed through the fascinating story of Safed’s elderly, clothing objects, pieces of furniture, housewares, work tools and holy artefacts, all made by one man of Safed – Yehezkel Hameiri (1934-1989), who established a unique museum in his beloved city, dedicated to Safed and its people. The building is one of a handful of remnants from the ancient kernel of Safed and houses nine exhibition areas at different levels, built in various periods and for various purposes. On the lower-level residential buildings from the 16th century have survived, as well as a Jewish ritual bath (Mikveh). The house has two large halls, which used the Sephardic Rabbinical court in the mid-19th century. Above the halls lies the Boys School, built at the end of that century. Among the courtyards, nooks and crannies are quarried water wells and ancient grapevines.

Safed Artists Complex was founded by Safed Municipality on the outskirts of the historical Jewish district. The Artists Complex is a collection of dozens of artists who have opened galleries and exhibitions that reflect the architecture and character of the city. During the 1950s and 1960s, the complex became a center of attraction for many tourists visiting the area.

Are you looking for some action to spice up your vacation? A variety of crazy attractions await you at Jordan River Rafting. Kayaking for beginners and pros, ATV trips for children, a 70-meter Omega which ends in Jordan River, climbing walls, paintball, archery, bicycle trips, ranger and razor trips, jeep tours and many more family fun activities.
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